Friday 14 February, 2025

19Apr 2021

Συνέντευξη "Με το βλέμμα το εκτροφέα"

19Apr 2021

Παρακολουθείστε το πώς επιλέγουμε και τι προσέχουμε

19Apr 2021

Παρακολουθείστε την Ιστορία & Χαρακτηριστικά της φυλής

15Mar 2020

Νέο: 8/3/2020

CRUFTS 2020 και η μικρή μας Μελίνα μας έκανε περήφανους για άλλη μια φορά
18Mar 2019

Νέο: 18/3/2019

Είμαστε πραγματικά υπερήφανοι που ο μικρός μας DRAGO  ανέβασε την Ελλάδα τόσο ψηλά. Στην μεγαλύτερη έκθεση μορφολογίας, CRUFTS στην Αγγλία, κατέλαβε μεσα απο 21.000 συμμετοχές την θέση καλύτερος φυλής και 4ος καλύτερος απο την ομάδα σκύλων συντροφιάς.
29Dec 2018

News: 29/12/2018

Minotaur out of Drago and Barbie
29Dec 2018

News: 29/12/2018

Phoenix out of Drago and Barbie
29Dec 2018

News: 29/12/2018

Celene out of Drago and Barbie
29Dec 2018

News: 29/12/2018

Lucifer out of Drago and Barbie
21Dec 2018

News: 15/12/2018

07Mar 2018

News: 7/3/2018

Mystic Legion Drago was announced as Top Dog of Greece (among all breeds) for 2017
11Oct 2016

News: 11/10/2016

This is our advert on "Our Dogs" special edition for EDS. Good luck to our Mystic Legion Orion. We are very proud for his 2015 results in the point system of the Greek Kenel club, which were announced few days ago. He got:  - Best Smooth coat chihuahua,  - 1st Top dog of toy group,  - 1st Top junior among all breeds, - 2nd Best dog of all breeds.
17Mar 2016

News: 06/03/2016

Our Mystic Legion Lolita (by Mult CH Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz), is now an International Champion. Also Champion of Greece, Finland , Cyprus and Finnish Winner 14. We are so happy of our girl and the dynamic come back to the rings after her maternity leave. Also, today for the third day at the spring show in Cyprus under the Judge Mrs. T.Konrad (SRB), she got CC, CACIB,BOB and she ended up BOG 3
23Jun 2015

News: 23/6/2015

At the International show in Marathon/Athens CH Mystic Legion Margarita & Mystic Legion Orion, got the first day BEST BRACE IN SHOW 1 and last day Best Brace in Show 2
22Jun 2015

News: 22/6/2015

Mystic Legion Orion achieved unbelievable results at the 3 days International show in Marathon/Athens. Both first days on 19/6 & 20/6: JBOB & BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR 1 among a very competitive group
14Jun 2015

News: 14/06/2015

WDS 2015/Milan, Mystic Legion Margarita got 2nd place in Intermediate class. So proud of our little girl.
02May 2015

News: 2/5/2015

Picture says it all at the International show today in Athens, our Mystic Legion Orion at the age of 11 months old (junior class) won JCAC, JBOB, BOB, BOG3 and Best Junior in Show. He is a great performer and a lovely little brave man
25Apr 2015

News: 25/4/2015

GREAT news from Roskilde/Copenhagen International show today. Mystic Legion Eros is now Danish Champion after the CAC & RCACIB (which later became CACIB).  Also Mystic Legion Margarita got the CAC, CACIB and Best Female at only 21 months old, and got the qualification for Danish Championship.
25Jan 2015

News: 25/1/2015

Our little team did it again !!!! At the International show in Mouscron/Belgium our girl Mystic Legion Margarita, got CAC, CACIB & BOB.  Our boy, after winning in champion class, got RCAC, RCACIB. We were very sorry that had to leave the show before the finals but our plane could not wait
13Dec 2014

News: 13/12/2014

What a great time we had at the Holland Cup and the Amsterdam Winner Show. We would like to share a family photo with all of you. Had the chance to meet again with many good friends and make new ones.  Mystic Legion Margarita got a CC, CACIB and Best Female the first day and an Ex1 in Intermediate class the second day. Rest of our show team also got excellent and some placements both days.
07Dec 2014

News: 7/12/2014

We cannot describe our happiness participating in the big show in Helsinki.  Today, in a very big competition, at the Finnish Winner 2014 show: Mystic Legion Lolita, from Intermediate class, got CC, CACIB, Finnish Winner '14 and Best Female. Also, our Mystic Legion Margarita got Exc. 1 in the Intermediate class.
10Aug 2014

News: 10/8/2014

Words can not describe our happiness today. At the WORLD DOG SHOW in Helsinki, our boy GR CH Mystic Legion Eros got Res-CAC under the judges Mr. Unto Timonen (Sweden) & Doedjins Rony (Netherlands). Considered the number of Chihuahuas entered (199) this is a wonderful achievement for our little Eros at this first big show being only 20 months old.
13May 2014

News: 13/5/2014

We are very proud to announce the official results of the Greek KC for 2013. We have awarded best dogs in both Long and Smooth coat Chihuahuas. In particular,  -Our Mystic Legion Eros who was only a puppy and then Junior, throughout 2013, he managed to get best long coat baby, best long coat puppy, best long coat Junior and above all Top Long Coated for Greece in 2013. He was also awarded as top 10 best puppy among ALL breeds in Greece. -Our Dachida’s Leading Man was awarded as Top Smooth Coat Chihuahua in Greece for 2013. Regarding the point system, both boys had a big difference from the points of the 2nd best.  Our boys made us so proud with these results and their nice performance throughout 2013 and we really hope the same for 2014.
11May 2014

News: 11/5/2014

It was for sure a Chihuahua day today. At the International Show in Athens/Greece our little stars managed not only to get BOB in both SC and LC’s but also to get podium placements. In detail under the judge Carlos Renau : -Mystic Legion Lolita (Long Coat) got JCAC, JBOB, 2015 Crufts Qualification and she ended up BOB at only 10 months of age!!!!!! -Mystic Legion Jasmine (Long Coat), VP1, BOB puppy and she ended up BIS puppy 4, under the judge Dusan Paunovic -Mystic Legion Magdalena (Smooth Coat), VP 1, BOB puppy  -Mystic Legion Margarita (Smooth Coat), JCAC and BOB Junior, 2015 Crufts Qualification -Bramerita Mr. Clegg, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BOG2 -BIS Brace 3, was Bramerita Mr Clegg and his daughter Mystic Legion Margarita, under the judge Dusan Paunivic
10May 2014

News: 10/5/2014

Great results at the International Show in Athens/Greece. Under the judge Dusan Paunovic, we got: -Mystic Legion Eros (Long Coat). Our little star in his first show in the intermediate class, he got CAC, CACIB, BOB and he ended up BOG4  -Mystic Legion Jasmine (Long Coat), Very promising 1, BOB puppy -Mystic Legion Magdalena (Smooth Coat), Very promissing 1, BOB puppy -Mystic Legion Lolita (Long Coat), JCAC and BOB Junior  -Mystic Legion Margarita (Smooth Coat), JCAC and BOB Junior  -Mystic Legion Adonis (Long Coat), JCAC and Best Junior Male
13Apr 2014

News: 13/4/2014

We are so happy ον 13/4. Our Bramerita Mr. Clegg (Nick), obtained his last CAC needed and he is now also a Spanish Champion. At the International show in Oviedo/Spain, he got a CAC, CACIB and BOB. Judge was Mr. Boris Spoljaric (Croatia). 
06Oct 2013

News: 6/10/2013

Under the judge Mrs. R. Kantzou (GR) Mult CH, Cruft's '12 CC Winner Dachida's Leading Man got again CAC, CACIB and BOB and he ended Best of Group 3 (Judge Mr. Lyudmila Tchistiakova from Russia).  Our INT Mult CH Orange Country Di Rio Galeria got CAC, CACIB and BOB. Finally, on this day our beautiful Bramver's Coco Chanel, after her Maternity leave got her 3rd CAC and CACIB and she became a new GR Champion
06Oct 2013

News: 6/10/2013

Following a 2 days international show in Athens/Greece, 5 and 6 of October, we are very happy to announce that it was really our weekend. But, firstly we want to share with all of you the pride we feel for our 11 months old Mystic Legion Eros. After a successful baby and puppy class he entered in his Junior class with the best result we could hope for.  First day after judge Mr. K. Nilsson (Sweden), and with a strong competition among a number of beautiful adult champions, he got Junior BOB & BOB. Being at only 11 months old this is a great achievement for a young Junior. Story did not end there as same day, he ended up Best Junior in Show 3 (Judge Mr. G. Bezzecchi/Italy)!!! Second day under the Judge Mrs. R. Kantzou (GR), he got best Junior of Breed. What a start for our little upcoming star as after this weekend he became a new Greek JRCH.
05Oct 2013

News: 5/10/2013

Our dream boy Mult CH, Crufts '12 CC Winner Dachida's Leading Man got the first day CAC, CACIB, BOB and he ended Best in Group 1. Judge Mr. K. Nilsson (Sweden).  Also, same day our boy Tampico Love is in the Air got RCAC and RCACIB.
31Jul 2013

News: 31/7/2013

A new photo of the first puppies out of our Mult CH Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz. 2 boys and a girl that just turned 5 weeks old. Left to right is: Mystic Legion Alejandro (Boy) Mystic Legion Angelo (Boy)  Mystic Legion Lolita (Girl) We are so much in love with all 3 of them. Proud mother is Emily Anais Des Pyramides De Cholula.
14Jul 2013

News: 14/7/2013

On the 2nd day, under the judge Mr. Michael Papadatos – Greece, we got: -Mystic Legion Eros got Very Promising 1, BOB Puppy and he ended 4th Best Puppy in Show (Judge Mrs. Kulesova Elena - Russia) -Tampico Love is in The Air got CC, BOB & became new Greek Champion -Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz got CC and BOB & became new Greek Champion -Misty Meadow’s Sweet as a Candy got CC and BOS & became new Greek champion
13Jul 2013

News: 13/7/2013

At the national show is Syros/Greece, under the judge Mr. Luis Pinto Texeira – Portugal, our team got: -Our little Mystic Legion Eros got Very Promising 1, BOB Puppy and he ended Best Puppy in Show. Cannot be happier for this result -Tampico Love is in The Air got CC, BOB and Best in Group 2 -Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz got CC and BOB -Misty Meadow’s Sweet as a Candy got CC and BOS
06Jul 2013

News: 11/7/2013

Few days ago we had a long waited litter. GR CH Dartan Forever on Fire (aka Monica) gave us 2 beautiful girls. Father is our top gorgeous boy INT Mult CH Bramerita Mr. Clegg. Both girls look very strong and pretty.
23Jun 2013

News: 23/6/2013

At the same International show in Athens/Greece, under the judge Mr. Goran Bodegard (SE) our little Mystic Legion Eros, got again Very Promising 1 & BOB Puppy.  We are very proud of our little Eros as so far he wins every single time we have shown him.
21Jun 2013

News: 21/6/2013

At the International show in Athens/Greece, our boy Mystic Legion’s Eros, under judge Mrs. Marja Talvitie (FI) got Very Promising 1 and BOB Puppy. Our new boy Tampico Love is in the Air got CAC, CACIB & BOB. Also, our Misty Meadow’s Sweet as a Candy got CAC, CACIB and BOS under the same judge.
24Mar 2013

News: 24/3/2013

A great show weekend both in Cyprus/Limassol as well as Athens/Greece. In the 2 days International show in Athens (O.K.A/Greece) our little baby Mystic Legion Eros under the judges Mr. G. Schogol (23/3) & Mr. G. Kostopoulos (24/3) got Best Baby of breed. And today he also got 3rd best show puppy under the judge Mr. C.Jouanchicot. Also at the specialty show of 23/3 under the judge Mrs. B. Banbury our little Eros got Best Baby of breed. During the same weekend, at the triple show in Cyprus/Limassol both our boys Dachidas Leading Man & Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz became champions of Cyprus, San Marino and Montenegro
24Feb 2013

News: 24/2/2013

The success continues the 2nd day. At the International Dog Show in Valladolid/Spain, both Mario (Orange Country Di Rio Galeria) and Nick (Bramerita Mr. Clegg) got a CC, CACIB and BOB. Nick also got Best in Group 2. Nick today, also became an International Champion!!! Judge Mr. Hans van den Berg (Holland). Special thanks to our friend Mrs. Usue D.Aruzel for showing Mario so nicely.
23Feb 2013

News: 23/2/2013

At the National Dog Show in Valladolid/Spain our Nick (Bramerita Mr. Clegg) under the judge Rita Reyners (Belgium) got a CAC, BOB and BOG1. Group 9 was crowded with lots and high quality dogs, which made us feel even more proud for the victory of our boy
17Feb 2013

News: 17/2/13

After a successful show weekend in Sofia, Bulgaria, Dave (Ouachitah Secret Rendevouz) completed all the requirements for his first champion title, and he is now a Bulgarian Champion.
16Feb 2013

News: 16/2/13

At his first dog show shown by us, our Niel (UK CH, Crufts '12 CC Winner, Dachida's Leading Man) won at the international dog show in Sofia a CC, CACIB and BOB. Niel is now a Bulgarian champion. Judge Mr. G. Hristozov (BG).
03Feb 2013

News: 3/2/2013

Mario (Orange Country Di Rio Galeria) became today International Champion. At the Zaragoza/Spain Intertnational Show, for second day, Mario got a CC, CACIB and BOB under the judge Jose Juan Vidal Montero.
02Feb 2013

News: 2/2/2013

At the Zaragoza/Spain National Show, our Mario (Orange Country Di Rio Galeria), got a CC and BOB under the judge Javier Ferrando (Spain).
13Jan 2013

News: 13/1/2013

We would like to welcome Neil (Dachida’s Leading Man) to our family. He is from the top British kennel Dachida’s. We are very grateful to his breeder, Mr. Carol Davies for trusting him to us. Neil is already a British champion. He has also won at Crufts’12 (CC Winner), as well as achieved the BIS at the British Chihuahua Club Championship Show ’11.
18Oct 2012

News: 18/10/2012

We would like to welcome 2 new additions to our kennel. On 17 of October, we brought from USA 2 amazing chihuahuas. A boy, Ouachitah Secret Rendevous and a girl, Dartan For Ever on Fire. Both of them are from the top US kennels Ouachitah and Dartan. We would like to thank Mrs. Linda George and Mr. Darwin Delaney for their trust.
17Oct 2012

News: 16/10/2012

We are very happy to announce that GR CH, Mediterranean Winner ’12, Carrie (Bramver's Christian Dior) gave birth, on 16 of October, to 3 beautiful puppies. 2 boys and a girl. Father of the puppies is INT, Mult CH Misty Meadow’s I Have a Dream.
14Oct 2012

News: 14/10/2012

At the in Int. Show in Athens on 13 & 14/10 under the judges Mr. Zsolt Csaba Locodi (Rom) & Mr. Dusan Paunovic (Serbia), Mystic Legion Porthos got both days Best Baby of Breed. We are so happy for our baby in his first performance in the show ring.
14Oct 2012

News: 14/10/2012

Also, at the same Int. Show in Athens on 13 & 14/10 under the judges Mr. Zsolt Csaba Locodi (Rom) & Mr. Dusan Paunovic (Serbia), our Coco (Bramver's Coco Chanel) got, both days, CC CACIB and BOS.
14Oct 2012

News: 14/10/2012

At the same Int. Show in Athens on 13 & 14/10 under the judges Mr. Zsolt Csaba Locodi (Rom) & Mr. Dusan Paunovic (Serbia), our Candy (Misty Meadow's Sweet as a Candy) got, both days, JCC and BOB Junior. Candy became GR Junior Champion.
25Jun 2012

News: 24/6/2012

Nick (Bramerita Mr. Clegg) got CC, CACIB, BOB and BOG3 a at the International Mediterranean winner show in Marathon/Greece on 24/6/12. Judge was Mrs. Carla Molinari/Portugal. Nick also obtained the title of Mediterranean Winner ’12.
24Jun 2012

News: 24/6/2012

Mario (Orange Country Di Rio Galeria) got CC, CACIB and BOB at the international Mediterranean winner show in Marathon/Greece on 24/6/12. Judge was Mrs. Carla Molinari/Portugal. Mario obtained the title of Mediterranean Winner ’12.
24Jun 2012

News: 24/6/2012

Candy (Misty Meadow's Sweet as a Candy) at the International/Mediterranean show in Athens/Greece got best puppy under the judge Mrs. Carla Molinarι (Portugal)
24Jun 2012

News: 24/6/2012

Carrie (Bramver’s Christian Dior) at the International Dog Show in Marathon/Greece on 24/6/12 got CAC, CACIB and BOS under the judge Carla Molinari (Portugal). In her class, Carrie also obtained the title of Mediterranean Winner ’12. As per today, Carrie is a Greek Champion.
23Jun 2012

News: 23/6/2012

Carrie (Bramver’s Christian Dior) at the International Dog Show in Marathon/Greece on 23/6/12 got CAC, CACIB and BOB under the judge Walter SCHICKER (Germany).
22Jun 2012

News: 22/6/2012

Carrie (Bramver’s Christian Dior) at the National Dog Show in Marathon/Greece on 22/6 got CAC and BOS under the Judge Mr. Niksa Lemo (HR).
20May 2012

News: 20/5/2012

Electra (World Vision Di San Gimignano) is now a Greek Champion after her victory on Sunday 20/5 who got CC, BOB & Best of Group 4 (judge Mrs. Ruli Kantzou/GR).  
20May 2012

News: 20/5/2012

Nick (Bramerita Mr. Clegg) on Sunday 20/5, got CC, BOB & Best of Group 1, at the national show in Kalamata/Greece, under the judge Mrs. Ruli Kantzou/GR
06May 2012

News: 6/5/2012

Mario (Orange Country Di Rio Galeria) on Saturday 6/5, at the international show of the Greek Kennel Club (K.O.E.) in Marathon Land/Athens, won CAC, CACIB, BOB as well as the Qualification for Crufts 2013. Judge: Mrs. Dagmar Klein from Romania
06May 2012

News: 6/5/2012

One more important victory for our Electra (World Vision Di San Gimignano) who at the international show of the Greek Kennel Club (K.O.E.) in Marathon Land/Athens on 6/5, won CAC, CACIB, BOS as well as the Qualification for Crufts 2013. Judge: Mrs. Dagmar Klein from Romania
05May 2012

News: 5/5/2012

Nick (Bramerita Mr. Clegg) on Saturday 5/5, at the international show of the Greek Kennel Club (K.O.E.) in Marathon Land/Athens won CAC, CACIB και BOB under the judge Mr. G. Kostopoulos (GR)
05May 2012

News: 5/5/2012

Electra (World Vision Di San Gimignano) on Saturday 5/5, at the international show of the Greek Kennel Club (K.O.E.) in Marathon Land/Athens won CAC, CACIB και BOS under the judge Mr. G. Kostopoulos (GR)
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